Stem Cells (Traditional Treatment) | Complications and Toxicities in Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation for Autoimmune Diseases | - Adverse effects include a 30-50% chance of Graft-vs-Host Disease (GVHD) in allogeneic transplants. |
| | - GVHD can lead to fatal outcomes (15-20% mortality in severe cases). |
Stem Cells (Traditional Treatment) | The Safety of MSC Therapy Over the Past 15 Years: A Meta-Analysis - | - Inflammation and immune rejection common in allogeneic treatments. |
| | - 5-10% immune rejection rate noted. |
| | - Direct injections may cause localized infection (1-2% chance). |
Glutathione (Traditional Treatment) | Glutathione Supplementation as an Antioxidant Therapy - | - IV injection shows high efficacy but increases oxidative imbalance risk. |
| | - Electrolyte imbalances common at high doses; cardiac risk in severe cases. |
| | - 1-2% risk of site infection per treatment. |
Carnosine (Traditional Treatment) | Carnosine’s Role in Cellular Protection and Inflammation Modulation - | - Oral carnosine shows 10-20% bioavailability only. |
| | - High doses risk liver or kidney overload. |
| | - Low chance of allergic reaction; cumulative risks with high frequency. |
LifeWave X39 GHK-Cu Patch | Double-Blind Testing of the LifeWave X39 Patch to Determine GHK-Cu Production Levels - | - Reported up to 300% increase in GHK-Cu levels, shown to improve cellular repair processes. |
| | - Demonstrates improved cellular function and tissue repair. |
| | - Significant improvement (72%) in overall cellular health. |
LifeWave Glutathione Patch | LifeWave Y-Age Glutathione Patch Study (2006): Effectiveness in Elevating Blood Glutathione | - Reported 300% increase in blood glutathione after 5 days. |
| | - Demonstrated safe, sustained antioxidant levels without injections. |
LifeWave Carnosine Patch | Y-Age Carnosine Patch Benefits and Cellular Protection | - Improves cellular repair, specifically in muscle tissue and skin elasticity. |
| | - Anti-aging benefits include faster muscle recovery and reduced inflammation. |
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