Patching To Health

Cancer Type Comparison to Symptom Relief

No claim of cure or healing is made. By coincidence, some of the symptoms or organs which were improved by use of patches align with symptoms of disease conditions.
Search for any symptom, condition, disease, or relief sought.
Cancer TypeSymptomsOrgans or Systems AffectedCommon TreatmentsSide Effects of TreatmentsPatch NameSymptom RelievedOrgan or System Improved
Breast CancerLump in the breast, change in breast shape, skin dimplingBreastSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, skin changes, lymphedema, hormonal changesEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Breast CancerLump in the breast, change in breast shape, skin dimplingBreastSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, skin changes, lymphedema, hormonal changesX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain relief, reduction in negative radiationStem cells, skin (lines and wrinkles)
Breast CancerLump in the breast, change in breast shape, skin dimplingBreast infectionSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, skin changes, lymphedema, hormonal changes Glutathione Improved skin hydration, firmnessSkin
Breast CancerLump in the breast, change in breast shape, skin dimplingBreast SkinSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, skin changes, lymphedema, hormonal changesAlavida Regenerating TrioSkin inflammation, drynessFrontal lobes, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, liver, kidneys, pancreas
Lung CancerPersistent cough, chest pain, shortness of breathLungsSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Lung CancerPersistent cough, chest pain, shortness of breathLungsSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, skin changesX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain relief, reduction in negative radiationStem cell regeneration
Lung CancerPersistent cough, chest pain, shortness of breathLungsSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyshortness of breath, loss of appetiteSP6 CompleteAppetite control, sugar cravingsHypothalamus, Pancreas, Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Thyroid gland, Adrenal glands
Lung CancerPersistent cough, chest pain, shortness of breathLungsSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyskin changesAlavida Regenerating TrioSkin inflammation, drynessFrontal lobes, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, liver, kidneys, pancreas
Prostate CancerDifficulty urinating, blood in urine, pelvic discomfortProstateSurgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigue, erectile dysfunction, urinary issues, bowel dysfunction, hot flashes, osteoporosisX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Colorectal CancerChange in bowel habits, blood in stool, abdominal painColon, Rectum, IntestinesSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, diarrhea, infection risk, loss of appetite, mouth sores, neuropathyEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Colorectal CancerChange in bowel habits, blood in stool, abdominal painColon, Rectum, IntestinesSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, diarrhea, infection risk, loss of appetite, mouth sores, neuropathyX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain relief, reduction in negative radiationStem cell regeneration
Colorectal CancerChange in bowel habits, blood in stool, abdominal painColon, Rectum, IntestinesSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, diarrhea, infection risk, loss of appetite, mouth sores, neuropathySP6 CompleteAppetite control, sugar cravingsHypothalamus, Pancreas, Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Thyroid gland, Adrenal glands
MelanomaNew, unusual growth or change in existing moleSkinSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
MelanomaNew, unusual growth or change in existing moleSkinSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyskin irritation, changes in skin colorAlavida Regenerating TrioSkin inflammation, drynessFrontal lobes, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, liver, kidneys, pancreas
MelanomaNew, unusual growth or change in existing moleSkinSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyFatigue, skin irritation, nausea, infection risk, flu-like symptoms, changes in skin colorX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cells, skin (lines and wrinkles)
MelanomaNew, unusual growth or change in existing moleSkinSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy infection risk, flu-like symptoms Glutathione Poor detoxification, weak immune system
Bladder CancerBlood in urine, frequent urination, pelvic painBladder, Urinary SystemSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Bladder CancerBlood in urine, frequent urination, pelvic painBladder, Urinary SystemSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapyFatigue, nausea, urinary issues, infection risk, skin irritation, bladder irritationX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Bladder CancerBlood in urine, frequent urination, pelvic painBladder, Urinary SystemSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapyskin irritationAlavida Regenerating TrioSkin inflammation, drynessFrontal lobes, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, liver, kidneys, pancreas
Bladder CancerBlood in urine, frequent urination, pelvic painBladder, Urinary SystemSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapyinfection risk Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Non-Hodgkin LymphomaSwollen lymph nodes, weight loss, feverLymphatic SystemChemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantinfection risk, anemia, peripheral neuropathy Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Non-Hodgkin LymphomaSwollen lymph nodes, weight loss, feverLymphatic SystemChemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Non-Hodgkin LymphomaSwollen lymph nodes, weight loss, feverLymphatic SystemChemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, anemia, peripheral neuropathyX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cells, skin (lines and wrinkles)
Non-Hodgkin LymphomaSwollen lymph nodes, weight loss, feverLymphatic SystemChemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantperipheral neuropathyCarnosineCognitive decline, oxidative damageImproved bioelectrical properties of organs
Kidney (Renal) CancerBlood in urine, lower back pain, loss of appetiteKidneysSurgery, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Kidney (Renal) CancerBlood in urine, lower back pain, loss of appetiteKidneysSurgery, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyinfection risk Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Kidney (Renal) CancerBlood in urine, lower back pain, loss of appetiteKidneysSurgery, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyhigh blood pressure, kidneysSP6 CompleteAppetite control, sugar cravingsHypothalamus, Pancreas, Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Thyroid gland, Adrenal glands
Kidney (Renal) CancerBlood in urine, lower back pain, loss of appetiteKidneysSurgery, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, high blood pressure, diarrheaX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Endometrial CancerVaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, weight lossUterusSurgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, hormonal changes, bowel and bladder issuesX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Endometrial CancerVaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, weight lossUterusSurgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapybowel and bladder issuesSP6 CompleteAppetite control, sugar cravingsHypothalamus, Pancreas, Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Thyroid gland, Adrenal glands
Endometrial CancerVaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, weight lossUterusSurgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapyinfection risk Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Endometrial CancerVaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, weight lossUterusSurgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Pancreatic CancerAbdominal pain, weight loss, jaundicePancreasSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Pancreatic CancerAbdominal pain, weight loss, jaundicePancreasSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, weight loss, infection risk, diarrhea, loss of appetite, painX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Pancreatic CancerAbdominal pain, weight loss, jaundicePancreasSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyinfection risk Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Pancreatic CancerAbdominal pain, weight loss, jaundicePancreasSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapynausea, weight loss, diarrhea, loss of appetiteSP6 CompleteAppetite control, sugar cravingsHypothalamus, Pancreas, Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Thyroid gland, Adrenal glands
LeukemiaFatigue, frequent infections, easy bruisingBlood, Bone MarrowChemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantfrequent infections, easy bruising Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
LeukemiaFatigue, frequent infections, easy bruisingBlood, Bone MarrowChemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
LeukemiaFatigue, frequent infections, easy bruisingBlood, Bone MarrowChemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantFatigue, frequent infections, easy bruising, nausea, hair loss, anemiaX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Thyroid CancerLump in the neck, difficulty swallowing, hoarsenessThyroidSurgery, radioactive iodine treatment, hormone therapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, dry mouth, taste changesX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Thyroid CancerLump in the neck, difficulty swallowing, hoarsenessThyroidSurgery, radioactive iodine treatment, hormone therapy, targeted therapydry mouth, taste changesSP6 CompleteAppetite control, sugar cravings, thyroid healthHypothalamus, Pancreas, Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Thyroid gland, Adrenal glands
Thyroid CancerLump in the neck, difficulty swallowing, hoarsenessThyroidSurgery, radioactive iodine treatment, hormone therapy, targeted therapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Thyroid CancerLump in the neck, difficulty swallowing, hoarsenessThyroidSurgery, radioactive iodine treatment, hormone therapy, targeted therapyinfection risk Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Liver CancerWeight loss, loss of appetite, jaundiceLiverSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy infection risk Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Liver CancerWeight loss, loss of appetite, jaundiceLiverSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapydiarrhea, jaundiceSP6 CompleteAppetite control, sugar cravings, liver healthHypothalamus, Pancreas, Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Thyroid gland, Adrenal glands
Liver CancerWeight loss, loss of appetite, jaundiceLiverSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Liver CancerWeight loss, loss of appetite, jaundiceLiverSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, diarrhea, jaundiceX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Cervical CancerVaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, pain during intercourseCervixSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, menstrual changes, early menopauseX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Cervical CancerVaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, pain during intercourseCervixSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyinfection risk Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Cervical CancerVaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, pain during intercourseCervixSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energyStem cell regeneration
Esophageal CancerDifficulty swallowing, chest pain, weight lossEsophagusSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Esophageal CancerDifficulty swallowing, chest pain, weight lossEsophagusSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyswallowing difficulties, loss of appetiteSP6 CompleteAppetite control, sugar cravings, liver healthHypothalamus, Pancreas, Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Thyroid gland, Adrenal glands
Esophageal CancerDifficulty swallowing, chest pain, weight lossEsophagusSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyinfection risk, Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Esophageal CancerDifficulty swallowing, chest pain, weight lossEsophagusSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, swallowing difficulties, loss of appetiteX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Ovarian CancerAbdominal bloating, weight loss, pelvic discomfortOvariesSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, hormone therapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Ovarian CancerAbdominal bloating, weight loss, pelvic discomfortOvariesSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, hormone therapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, menstrual changes, early menopauseX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cell regeneration
Ovarian CancerAbdominal bloating, weight loss, pelvic discomfortOvariesSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, hormone therapyinfection risk, Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Oral CancerMouth sores, difficulty swallowing, persistent mouth painMouth, ThroatSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyinfection risk Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Oral CancerMouth sores, difficulty swallowing, persistent mouth painMouth, ThroatSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Oral CancerMouth sores, difficulty swallowing, persistent mouth painMouth, ThroatSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapymouth sores, oral skin irritationAlavida Regenerating TrioSkin inflammation, drynessFrontal lobes, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, liver, kidneys, pancreas
Oral CancerMouth sores, difficulty swallowing, persistent mouth painMouth, ThroatSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, mouth sores, infection risk, difficulty swallowing, dry mouthX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cells, skin (lines and wrinkles)
Gallbladder CancerGall Stone PainGall BladderSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigue, nausea, hair loss, infection risk, digestive issuesX39®Overall health, vitality, wound healing, energy, sleep, pain reliefStem cells, skin (lines and wrinkles)
Gallbladder CancerGall Stone PainGall BladderSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapydigestive issuesSP6 CompleteAppetite control, sugar cravings, internal organ healthHypothalamus, Pancreas, Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Thyroid gland, Adrenal glands
Gallbladder CancerGall Stone PainGall BladderSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyinfection risk Glutathione Detoxification, immune support
Gallbladder CancerGall Stone PainGall BladderSurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapyFatigueEnergy EnhancerIncreased energy
Statistics come from National Center on Aging [NCOA], World Health Org [WHO]Philippines Statistics Authority [PSA]National Council on Aging [NCOA]compiled by Dr Van Wilson, DDM.I.T. Data Scientist,formerly with United Health Group