Patching To Health

Benefits and how to use the Glutathione patch
by an M.D.
• The master antioxidant
• Balances Immune System
• maintain energy production
• Cellular detoxifier
• Supports healthy skin
• healthy liver detoxification
Glutathione fights free radicals...which may be responsible for premature aging, skin wrinkling, cancer, atherosclerosis, arthritis, immune disorders, degenerative diseases. "The Role of Glutathione in the BodyThe Role of Glutathione in the Body
By Steve Haltiwanger, M.D., C.C.N.
Psoriasis and Multiple Sclerosis treatment involves Reducing Inflammation and increasing Glutatione Glutathione's role in reducing oxidative damage to dopamine and serotonin pathways. Role of Glutathione in Psoriasis and Associated Comorbidities
GlutathionePrevention and reversal of
rheumatoid arthritis
Glutathione help to prevent the process of oxidative stress, which may, in turn, reduce disease.Glutathione Benefits
GlutathioneBrain Disorders
lack of active glutathione related to Parkinson's & Alzheimer's Disease
GSH (glutathione) is essential to...cell survival under conditions of oxidative stress [aging] Glutathione as a Key Antioxidant for the Treatment of Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Conditions
GlutathioneDiabetes: Reduces oxidative cell DNA damage in diabeticsRandomized clinical trial of long-term glutathione supplementation", Savitribai Phule Pune University, Clinical Trials Registry-India, 2021Significant reduction in oxidative DNA damage over 6 months
GlutathioneInsulin resistance is when some cells in your liver, muscles, and fat don’t respondTrusted Source to insulin as well as they should and can’t take up glucose (sugar) from blood.glutathione may help to improve insulin resistanceeffects of glutathione on whole body insulin sensitivity in obese males with and without type 2 diabetes
protect cell mitochondria
eliminate free radicals.
Manage Lupus
Glutathione and Curcumin support the immune system, and balance immunal disorders.The Key Role of Glutathione Compared to Curcumin in the Management of Systemic Lupus
This is an IV therapy medical group.
strengthen the immune system.
fewer illness
quicker recovery
"...autoimmune conditions or chronic inflammation...significantly alleviate symptoms and promote health stability.",providing%20a%20more%20balanced%20function.
Glutathione• The master antioxidant
• Balances Immune System
• maintain energy production
• Cellular detoxifier
• Supports healthy skin
• healthy liver detoxification
"Glutathione fights free radicals...which may be responsible for premature aging, skin wrinkling, cancer, atherosclerosis, arthritis, immune disorders, degenerative diseases. The Role of Glutathione in the Body
By Steve Haltiwanger, M.D., C.C.N.