Patching To Health


These are Books available to buy on the market by doctors who created suggested protocols or suggested recipes that might work for people with certain conditions. They are based on their experience of science and testimonials. These are not claims of a cure or prescriptions for healing. Consult your own Physician. None of these protocols are Approved by any government agency (FDA or other).

Type in a symptom or condition name in the search textbox on the right side. click 'download' to view or download the pdf files. For images click the image. Select a location on your drive to save image to. This table is not an image viewer. Protocols may have images, downloadable pdfs or both. If you don't find a suitable condition, download the 100 protocols ebook. download links for each protocol are provided. These are copywrited materials for our use, but not for sale. If you have additional protocols to add, contact us.
100 Protocols bookdownloadIndex of Protocols in book
Arthritis Bookdownload
Patching Children Bookdownload
Back Pain Bookdownload
Autism bookdownload
Understanding Meridians and Accupressure Points Bookdownload
55 Essential Accupressure Points Bookdownload
Holistic Patching MethodsPDFDiagrams
5 Elements (Advanced)download
7 Chakrasdownload
All Patch Placementsdownload
Anti (Reverse) Aging with GHK-cuScience Article
Awakening State of Minddownload
Circle of the Phoenixdownload
Detox With Brain Balancingdownload
Iron Mandownload
Protocol Basico-Spanishdownload
Telemeres: Long Life
Rivers or Living Water
Simple Health Patching Basicdownloaddownload
Simple Health Patching Intermediatedownload
Super Humandownload
Wonder Womandownload
y-Age Vortexdownload